Trainees List

N.B: Amount to be paid = 30000 frw Per Month (*) Toal Months Payment Account: A/C:0000701390228322-10(COGE BANK) or MomoPay:273129 All Registered in Names of : ( Computer Innovation Technology Ltd)
# Full Name Trade Name Level Previous School Phone Starting Date Ending Date Past Duration Decision
1 UWAMBAYINEMA Alice Software Development... 5 ACCODES TSS... 792488441 2024-03-13 2024-04-11 8 Approved!
2 UWAYEZU Naomi Software Development... 4 GARDEN TSS NGOMA... 793666283 2024-04-01 2024-05-15 7 Approved!
3 UWIMANA Chance Networking... 5 University of Rwanda... 783716769 2023-04-08 2023-12-30 12 Completed!
4 UWISHIMYE Kevine Software Development... 5 BULINGA TSS... 798637511 2024-03-13 2024-04-11 8 Approved!

Approved By: MBARUBUkEYE Pascal @C.E.O
For More information call: 0788893580